Sunday, September 12, 2010

culture and history of Mexico

Mexican culture and history is full of romance and drama, and has many historical attractions. There are the ancient ruins of the Olmecs, Mayas and Aztecs. Even there, the railway lines of the legendary Pancho Villa are used. These are the main reasons, second only to the beaches of Cancun and Acapulco, the Mexican people to come. You may ask, is "why" and the reason why the history of Mexico in the past, but it is also an extraordinary amount of physical, asromantic, dramatic, complex blood curling and how it works.

Around 1000 BC, ancient civilizations fist Mexico, the Olmecs, one recognizes in what are now the states of Veracruz and Tabasco. They built cities and built huge stone sculptures of the head of their Jaguar God worshiped. They spread throughout the southern and central Mexico until they disappeared mysteriously around 400 BC, the Olmec left few artifacts still moderate their influence on subsequentDeep cultures. After the Olmecs were the Zapotec, Teotihuacan and mixtures of Monte Alban, the Toltecs, Mayas of Yucatan, and many other smaller groups. To stabilize the spiritual and earthly power and peace in their pantheon of gods, practiced human sacrifice, many of these cultures, which is something that often overshadows their great achievements in astronomy, mathematics, architecture, weaving, art and ceramics. This is a very important role in reproduction andExports of Mexican goods. As you can see, the Mexican culture and history have captivated the minds of many

None of the pre-Columbian cultures of Mexico is more than the story of the Aztecs. There were other civilizations in Mexico and a teat greater artistic reach, but not so fast or the most advanced country governed. They were a tribe living on the edge of Lake Texcoco trivial, now Mexico City. In 1473 they had conquered neighboring tribes. The Aztecs were veryconsolidated government with a powerful emperor.

The Spanish adventurer Hernan Cortez arrived in 1519, landing in the state of Veracruz, about 200 km from the Aztec capital. The only mission for Cortez had conquered the Aztecs and take their gold. That was a period of great and tragic history of Mexico. The then emperor of the Aztecs died in a prison in his palace.

This is a very small part of Mexican culture and history. The beauty of their powers, attractions, romance,Beaches and more are only part of what Mexico offers visitors and tourists.

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